Sample itineraries / Touring Turkey… Turkey Best

Covering Turkey in 12 days…
No set dates.

Day 01 /
International flights to Istanbul. Overnight in Istanbul.

Day 02 /
All day touring Istanbul. Overnight in Istanbul.

Day 03 /
All day touring Istanbul. Overnight in Istanbul.

Day 04 /
Checking out from the hotel in Istanbul.
Driving from the European side of Turkey towards Dardanelles.
Visiting First World War sites of Gallipoli on route (if interested).
Taking a 30 minutes ferry ride to cross Dardanelles.
Now, you are on the Asian side of Turkey.
Overnight in Dardanelles.
Istanbul to Dardanelles: 200 Miles

Day 05 /
Checking out from the hotel in Dardanelles.
First stop of the day is Troy (of Helen & Paris).
Following the coastal route along Aegean Sea, we continue driving to Pergamon.
Visits to Asklepeion (ancient hospital) and the Acropolis of Pergamon.
After a late afternoon drive, we expect to arrive to Ephesus area around 6pm.
Overnight in Ephesus area.
Dardanelles to Ephesus: 260 Miles

Day 06 /
After checking out from the hotel, we have the entire morning visiting Ephesus, Terrace
Houses of Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary.
In the afternoon, we have a 3 hours drive to Pamukkale, giving us enough time to have a
look/visit at Hierapolis (Roman, 2000 years old) and the travertines of Pamukkale.
Overnight in Pamukkale.
Ephesus to Pamukkale: 130 Miles

Day 07 /
This is a long day driving… inland country… totally different than coastal Turkey.
With an early departure, we expect arriving to Konya around 3pm.
After a late afternoon visit to the Museum of Whirling Derwishes, we have an early
evening walking tour in Konya.
Overnight in Konya.
Pamukkale to Konya: 300 Miles

Day 08 /
An easy morning drive to Cappadocia.
A visit to one of the caravanserails (hotels of Silk Road caravan groups) on route.
After a 3 hours drive, we expect to arrive to Cappadocia around noon time.
Touring Cappadocia in the afternoon.
Overnight in Cappadocia.
Konya to Cappadocia: 150 Miles

Day 09 /
All day in Cappadocia. Overnight in Cappadocia.

Day 10 /
After checking out from the hotel, we have a morning drive to Ankara via Salt Lake.
Arrival Ankara is in early afternoon, giving us time to visit Anatolian Civilizations Museum
and Mausoleum of Ataturk (the founder of modern Turkish Republic).
Overnight in Ankara.
Cappadocia to Ankara: 200 Miles

Day 11 /
Drive from the highway to be in Istanbul before 3pm, to give our guests enough time to
repack & put things in order.
Overnight in Istanbul.
Ankara to Istanbul: 300 Miles

Day 12 /
International flights.

Please get in touch for further details.

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